By Armando Rodriguez

Hello true believers (?), and welcome to another installment of Viral Views. Today we are celebrating our tenth week of bringing you the best of the Web with our Top samsung c417 lcd Ten Top Ten lists (try saying that ten times fast). So hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husbands; we’re about to begin.


Need some new fonts for your computer? Check out the top ten typefaces of the last decade. Our section also carries a fine selection of fonts so be sure to that out as well. Top Ten Typefaces comes in at number ten because I’m not as much of a typography nerd as my coworkers.


For those of us where were alive in the 80s (I wouldn’t know), the decade was a samsung c417 lcd blur of Michael Jackson and montage scenes (sprinkled with commercials of ). The fine fellows of Cracked have compiled the most inspirational 80′s songs into one big list for your convenience. Now go out there and have your own training montage!


Who doesn’t love a good conspiracy? See if you can solve some of these unsolved mysteries and become world famous (don’t forget us once you’re a huge celebrity).


Forget solving unsolved mysteries; if you can replicate any of these lost technologies you’ll be richer than Bill Gates with more style than Steve Jobs.


You definitely don’t ever want any of these popping up on your computer. Strangely enough I’ve encountered all of these once….on my MacBook.


Have you ever bought a product because the commercial for it was so cool that you just had to have it? You definitely don’t want to samsung c417 lcd buy any of these, just trust us on this.


At number 4–because sports bloopers usually involve someone falling over or getting hurt–these sports bloopers show us that even the rich and famous can be caught at the most awkward of times.


If you read Viral Views on a weekly basis, you should have a bookmark folder dedicated solely to the awesome things that we bring you every Friday afternoon. Here are ten more websites you should (already) know about.


Our number 2 spot goes to all those babies . Don’t let the fame get to your little heads though, we wouldn’t want you to end up samsung c417 lcd like Lindsay Lohan before you are even in preschool.


As I have stated many times in the past, we here at Viral Views love a good parody. This list happens to have most of our all time favourites, and for that it earns the number one spot in our top ten top ten lists countdown.

Honorable Mention:

Wow those animals are small. I’m going to take extra care to watch where I step from now on lest I squish a tiny lizard by accident.